Monday, January 31, 2011

The Corner Count!

I am going to start something new called “The Corner Count!” I have started another new years resolution (better late than never) and that is to get moving and lose some weight. So every Monday I am going to report back to everyone on my progress in “The Corner Count,” keep a lookout for it, keep me on track, and join in with me!

Week 1- Day 1
I have started a new program called Couch to 10K. It is designed to do exactly what you would think, get your bum off the couch and get you running a 10K (6.21 miles). It builds you up to running by doing intervals of walking and running. I can’t wait to be done with this and move on to a bigger goal that I have had for a while! Shh, don’t tell anyone I want to run a marathon! One day, I will run a marathon but for right now I am on Week 1-Day 1 of Couch to 10K. Gotta start somewhere, ya know!

I have also rejoined Weight Watchers for the fourth time! This time I am in it to win it! As most people that struggle with weight I go up and down, but lately down has not been my problem! Currently I am almost 200lbs. and I am ready for a change, there is no reason for me to be as big as I am. I mean I am not one to obsess about my weight, but for health reasons and for general well being, I know I need to loose some weight.

I hope that I can inspire others to get healthy as well. Its not about loosing weight, it’s about getting healthy! I would love to hear from you and your stories if you would like to share with me.

Happy Crafting,
Alley Cat

Saturday, January 29, 2011

I took a trip to JoAnn’s!

Yesterday I had to go and get my allergy shots, so I thought I would stop by and pick up a few things that I had been wanting.

I had wanted to learn the Tunisian Knit Crochet stitch so I picked up the hook for that. I also picked up a set of three very large (L,P,Q) crochet hooks that I will use with multiple strands of yarn. I got an extra Q hook for a friend. While I was looking at the hooks there was a small book of patterns for looms so I got that book as well.

I will be updating more projects soon!

Happy Crafting,
Alley Cat

Friday, January 28, 2011

Here is my first project to share!

This is a crocheted granny-square afghan that I started over the summer and have just recently finished. It was my first granny-square project; I enjoyed it until I had to put them all together! The squares were not a problem for me but putting them together was like pulling teeth. Personally I like the front the best but the back it cool in its own way.



I am currently working on a scarf that I started in high school. I guess it is time for me to finish it, since I am now beyond college! I like the way it is turning out but it is taking a long time, so I am only doing one stripe a night to pace myself.

Also, I am doing some towel toppers and grocery bag holders. They are my quick projects right now, since I can crochet much faster than knit.

Happy Crafting,
Alley Cat

Welcome to my corner of the world!

Well world, I guess it’s that time! Time to start my New Years Resolution since it is January 27, 2011, oh well better late than never I guess!

My plan for this blog is to post all of my creative wandering on here to inspire you and maybe bring a little sunshine to your corner of the world. I hope to update everyone once a week on what is going on, maybe more but I don’t want to make any promises since I have not been very good at blogging in the past.

I hope one day to have my own shop. Will it be a store front, a traveling craft show, or an Etsy shop, who knows but that will be sometime down the road, right now just trying to have a place that I can share my crafty mess with the world.

Happy Crafting,
Alley Cat